Etica Srl
Corso Unione Sovietica 612/3A
tel +39 0113473506 / 0113473135
fax +390113283203
P.IVA: 06564960018


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Manufacturing Execution System
WEB Business Integration
Mobile and Wireless Business Applications
Consultancy and Projects on demand

Etica offers its consultancy services both by sending single experts to Customers' premises and by setting up work groups focussing on on-site projects and coordinated by a dedicated technical Supervisor.

Projects can be coordinated by either Customer's staff or an Etica team leader.

Projects imply the use of both Microsoft systems and Linux-based open source systems.

The languages and technologies more frequently used to develop software applications are ASP, ASP.NET, Visual Basic, VB.NET, C#, Javascript, HTML, XML, CSS, Embedded Visual C++, C++ , Java and PL/SQL, Java 2EE, Bus CAN and Vector CANCardXL + CANAlizer, SAMTEC FAnalizer.

The main database engines used are Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle and Microsoft Access.